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Advantages of canvases with posters

  • The posters are not destroyed by wind and rain.
  • Vandals cannot damage the canvases.
  • The canvases are at a height so that everyone can see them clearly.
  • All posters are the same size.

What should you submit as a political party?

  • The name of the party.
  • A digital document (PDF file). Size 71,5×91,5cm without overlapping areas or cut signs.
  • The print file must have the dimensions 214.5 x 274.5 cm.

When should the digital files be received?

The files must be submitted by 13 May at the latest via verkiezingenlogistiek@leeuwarden.nl.

Description of poster canvases

  • The product is called Quick Sign.
  • They are 6 metres high with mounting brackets for the frame. There are 2 (support) brackets on it and it stands on a concrete base plate (200 x 200 x 15 cm).
  • The banner with posters is attached to a frame of tubes.
  • The supplier takes care of the layout of the poster canvases and arranges that everything is set up and cleaned up later.
  • If there is very bad weather, such as a severe storm, the supplier arranges for the high rafters to be taken down.
  • The canvases are made of bisonyl/mesh and the printing is full colour HP Latex single sided.
  • Examples of poster canvases.