Quick to:

How does it work?

  • Contact the City of Leeuwarden before submitting the application. We will schedule an interview with you.
  • In addition to the application form, also submit a detailed project plan. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall. Applications can be submitted until December 2024 and will be considered in order of receipt.

Who is the scheme intended for?

For entrepreneurs and knowledge institutions who develop an innovative product or process in the field of circular economy and sustainable energy.

For what purpose can you use the scheme?

The scheme targets innovative projects in the field of circular economy and renewable energy. Examples include innovations for the storage of sustainably generated energy or an innovative process within the circular chain. The project may also focus on the experimental development of a new product, service or process or the substantial innovation of an existing product, service or process.

The conditions

  • At the time of the application, you must be established in the City of Leeuwarden within 6 months of the application at the latest.
  • The project must be executed by a partnership of at least two parties.
  • Before making an application, you must discuss the matter with the City of Leeuwarden.
  • The project is implemented in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • The project must be completed within one year of receiving the grant.

Grant amount

  • A maximum of 40% of a project’s total eligible costs will be awarded as a grant.
  • The minimum eligible costs should be at least €12,500.
  • A maximum grant of €25,000 per application will be provided.
  • The scheme can be paid out as a one-off contribution towards costs.

Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?

Download and complete the Circular and Energy Transition Fund 2023 – 2024. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • General Subsidy Ordinance Leeuwarden 2018 (ASVL)