Quick to:

Do you need personal care?

You can ask for help in your own area.

Do you have an indication under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz)?

Do you have an indication under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz)? Apply for personal care at the Zorgkantoor Friesland. Personal care is a form of ‘Long-term care’.

Do you need all-day (24-hour) care nearby or supervision?

Do you need all-day (24-hour) care or supervision because of an illness or condition? If so, you may be eligible for personal care under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz). Apply for Wlz care at the CIZ (Care Needs Assessment Centre).

Do you have an intellectual, sensory or psychiatric disability?

Do you need assistance with your daily care because of an intellectual, sensory or psychiatric disability? Then you may be eligible for personal care under the Wmo. You can visit the community district and village community centres (by appointment). Volunteers and professionals from Amaryllis are present here. They will work with you to see which support suits your situation. You pay a personal contribution for a facility under the Wmo.

Do you have a physical disability, physical illness or psychogeriatric condition?

Do you need nursing or care (medical care) because of a physical disability, physical illness or psychogeriatric condition (such as dementia)? Or do you have a high risk of needing medical care? Apply for personal care from a district nurse at a home care organisation.

Nursing and care by a district nurse

A district nurse provides help that can take place in your home. For example:

  • wound care
  • preparing and administering medicines
  • stoma care
  • catheterisation
  • skin treatment
  • help with dressing and undressing
  • assistance with washing and showering

The district nurse will talk to you about what care you need. This does not require a referral from a GP or medical specialist.


Unable to find a district nurse yourself? Ask your health insurer. They can refer you to a district nurse (home care organisation) in your area.

Other possible solutions

You will find more information the Wmo page. For example, information on:

Do you have any other questions?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.