Quick to:

Can you temporarily no longer live independently?

Can you temporarily no longer live independently because of mental or psychosocial problems?

Do you want to learn to live independently again or learn to cope with your mental or psychosocial problems? In that case, you may be eligible for support under the Social Support Act (Wmo). You can visit the community district and village community centres (by appointment). Volunteers and professionals from Amaryllis are present here. You pay a personal contribution for a facility under the Wmo.

Can you temporarily no longer live independently because you need treatment or medical care?

For questions about treatment or medical care, contact your GP or medical specialist.

Can you permanently no longer live independently?

Can you permanently (for the rest of your life) no longer live independently because of:

  • physical illness
  • psycho-geriatric problems (e.g. dementia)
  • a mental handicap
  • a physical handicap
  • a sensory handicap
  • psychiatric problems

Do you need someone to look after you during the day and night or be there for you immediately when you need help? If so, you may be eligible for care under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz). Apply for Wlz care at the CIZ (Care Needs Assessment Centre).

Other possible solutions

You will find more information the Wmo page. For example, information on:

Do you have any other questions?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.