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When do you need a felling permit?

Felling permit required

  • For the felling of 10 or more trees that are not monumental or valuable. These trees must be at least 1.30 metres tall and have a trunk diameter of 63 centimetres or more. Smaller trees are not counted.
  • For felling 1 or more monumental or valuable trees. More information can be found under the “Monumental and valuable trees” tab.


If you cut down 10 trees, you are obliged, in consultation with the local authority, to plant 11 trees in return. If some or all of this is not possible, you pay a compensation amount of €500 per tree.

Listed and valuable trees

To cut down monumental or valuable trees, you must always apply for an environmental permit.


For tree felling, you always pay financial compensation of €2000 per tree, unless the tree is irreparably diseased or damaged. This must be determined by an expert appointed by the local authority.

Listed and valuable trees

View the list of monumental and valuable trees (PDF, 141.70 KB)for more information about which trees are monumental and valuable in our municipality

Do you want to nominate a tree for the list of monumental and valuable trees? If so, please email: bomendienst@leeuwarden.nl. This list is drawn up every 4 years.

Illegal tree felling

For illegally felling a tree, you will be charged twice the compensation amount as a fine. More information on these amounts can be found under the “Costs” tab.


Compensation fund

The compensation amount you pay will be deposited in the Green Compensation Fund. New trees are paid for, among other things, from this fund. They are planted in a good location that offers the opportunity to grow into adults specimens.

Trees and solar panels

The local authority is in favour of installing solar panels. But blocking sunlight is no reason to prune or cut trees down. When installing solar panels, always consider existing trees and that they may still be growing.

Questions or need help?

For questions, more information and to apply for an environmental permit, go to the Procedure for applying or reporting an environmental permit page. When applying under ‘activities’, look for the following form: Tree felling or standing timber felling – Permit application (local authority).


Felling a listed (protected) tree

  • 1 listed or valuable tree costs € 398.52.
  • Two to five listed or valuable trees cost a single payment of € 797.05.
  • Six or more listed or valuable trees cost a single payment of € 1,195.59.

This is the cost of applying for the permit. Compensation costs may be added to this.

Do not cut down monumental or valuable trees

  • 10 to 50 listed or valuable trees cost a single payment of € 797.05.
  • 51 or more listed or valuable trees cost a single payment of € 1,195.59.

This is the cost of applying for the permit. Compensation costs may be added to this.

Additional information

Have the trees already been cut down or are they being cut down without an environmental permit? If so, the costs listed above will be increased by 50%.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • List of monumental and valuable trees City of Leeuwarden 2023.
  • Detailed rules on trees and compensatory greenery.
  • General Municipal Bylaw. Section 3; preserving standing timber (3).
  • Section 11.3 Decree on living environment activities.