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Why a low-traffic zone?

For many years, the city centre was the place we went to do our shopping. In recent years, the city centre has increasingly become an area where we like to spend our free time, a place to go for a visit.

Many residents and business owners therefore prefer there not to be too much traffic in the city centre. That is why the City of Leeuwarden has made the north-western part of the city centre a low-traffic zone.

In the coming years, the local authority will also take other measures to make the city centre more attractive, safe and liveable.

Apply for, change or cancel entry exemption

Are you located in the low-traffic zone, or do you need to be in this area with a motor vehicle? If so, you will need an entry exemption. More information can be found on page entry exemption for low-traffic city centre.

Please note that an entry exemption only allows you to load and unload, you cannot park.

Cameras in car-free areas

Cameras will be installed in the car-free area in the city centre. As soon as they are in use, the traffic controllers stop their work. The cameras record traffic (motor vehicles) entering the car-free area via Monnikemuurstraat, Wortelhaven, Minnemastraat, Grote Hoogstraat and Grote Kerkstraat. The cameras are being put out to tender and if everything goes according to plan, they will be installed this year.

More greenery

The Wortelhaven, Eewal and Gouverneursplein will have more greenery. A draft design was presented to the local community at the end of last year. That design is now being further developed. In the coming period we will also look at what the planning of these activities will look like.

Questions or more information?