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Low income, high energy bill?

The Emergency Fund looks at how high the bill for gas, heat and electricity is. And to the income of the adults in a household. If the difference is too large, the energy supplier will reduce part of the energy bill for 6 months.


  • Your household has an income of a maximum of 200% of the social minimum. This means that the gross income per month is lower than € 3,200 (single) or € 4,480 (cohabiting). This is with 8% holiday pay.
  • Your household has an energy contract for gas, electricity or district heating in the name of a person from the household.
  • The energy costs from your energy supplier are higher than 8% to 10% of the gross income per month.

More information?

Easily check whether you are entitled to temporary support. Visit the Emergency Energy Fund website for more information.

Energy allowance from the City of Leeuwarden

Are you having trouble paying your energy bill? You may (also) be entitled to the energy allowance from the municipality. Go to the Apply for energy allowance for 2023 page for more information.