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Topical: Lytse Feart

In addition to Jelsumer Feart, also too high a PFOS content in Lytse Feart

After detecting PFOS in the Jelsumer Feart, Wetterskip Fryslân recently also measured too high a concentration of PFOS in the water of the Lytse Feart (between the Jelsumer Feart and Jelsum). Because people can ingest more PFOS (PFAS) than the standard when using water from the Jelsumer Feart and the Lytse Feart, GGD Fryslân advises not to use this water

Advice from GGD Fryslân do not use the water from the Jelsumer Feart and the Lytse Fearts in the near future

It is not yet sufficiently clear what exactly the health risks are. Whether there really are health risks depends on many things. According to the GGD, further research is also needed into the spread.

For now, GGD Fryslân advises:

  • Do not drink the water from the Jelsumer Feart  and Lytse Feart.
  • The water from the Jelsumer Feart and Lytse Feart should not be used for watering vegetable gardens.
  • Do not swim in the Jelsumer Feart and Lytse Feart
  • Do not eat fish from the Jelsumer Feart and Lytse Feart.

Topical: Jelsumer Feart

Wetterskip Fryslân has measured too high a concentration of PFOS in the water of the Jelsumer Feart between the Leeuwarden air base and the Dokkumer Ee. They discovered this when planning dredging work. They always measure the quality of the waterbed in advance.

Advice from GGD Friesland: do not use the water from the Jelsumer Feart in the near future

It is not yet sufficiently clear what exactly the health risks are. Whether there really are health risks depends on many things. According to the GGD, further research is also needed into the spread.

For now, GGD Fryslân advises:

  • The water from the Jelsumer is not to be drunk.
  • The water from the Jelsumer Feart should not be used for watering vegetable gardens.
  • Do not swim in the Jelsumer Feart
  • Do not eat fish from the Jelsumer Feart.

This advice applies to people and (domestic) animals. For these recommendations, the GGD looks at long-term use of the water. For example, have you swum in the water once? Then the additional health risk due to PFAS from the Jelsumer Feart is very small.

Do you have questions about health with PFAS?

All information is available on the GGD Fryslân website. Any other questions? Please feel free to contact the GGD Fryslân via telephone number 088 229 92 22 (available on working days between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm). You can also send an email to Milieuengezondheid@ggdfryslan.nl.

The municipality conducts exploratory research into soil and groundwater

The municipality has the soil and groundwater examined at several locations to see whether there is also PFOS in the ground. This way we can better inform and advise residents and users together. The municipality first has the locations that are frequently used near the Jelsumer Feart investigated. For example, the allotments in the area, the food forest, the rest point/outdoor centre and the campsite. The studies start on March 11 and last approximately 2 weeks. We expect the results within 3 weeks.

Lytse Feart

The municipality also has the soil and groundwater examined at a few places on the side of the Lytse Feart. The municipality has criticized this in recent years. When fencing, the vegetation (water plants) is removed from the ditches, so that the waterways are kept clear and excess water can be properly drained. The fencing mortar that was removed from the water was briefly placed on the side and then transported to a depot. We do not expect that PFOS has entered the ground as a result. To be sure of this, the municipality has a precautionary soil and groundwater investigation carried out in places where the fencing mortar has been on the ground for a short time.

Tsjessingawei on the east side of the air base

As of Friday, March 15, the soil and groundwater will also be examined at the Tjessingawei on the east side of the air base. The research agency may call residents for cooperation.

Allotment gardens at Dokkumer Ee

During the residents’ evening on Thursday, March 7, other locations were suggested by residents for research. For example, the allotments on the Dokkumer Ee, a location where the area has previously been dredged, and some privately owned vegetable gardens. The municipality will also have research carried out here. The municipality has now asked a research agency for this.


As soon as the analyses of the first studies arrive, the municipality can assess whether more research is necessary. The municipality is also advised by Wetterskip Fryslân and GGD Fryslân.

Research locations soil research

In previous letters and digital updates we explained that the municipality is investigating the soil and groundwater around the Jelsumer Feart at various locations as a precaution. This takes place on the plots shown on the Soil Research Locations map.

These are locations that we investigate on the advice of the GGD and locations that have been suggested by residents. The studies will take several weeks and we expect the first results within a few weeks. The reason this takes a while is, for example, that the installed monitoring wells must first rest for a while before the water can be sampled. We are also dependent on the planning of the research agencies and laboratories.

Would you like to receive questions and news about the Jelsumer Feart?

  • All information and the latest news is available on the Wetterskip Fryslân website. Here you can also sign up for digital news updates. Here you will also find a list of questions and answers. Is your question not listed there? Please contact Wetterskip Fryslân. Or call us on 058 292 22 22. You can also send an email to info@wetterskipfryslan.nl.
  • Do you have questions about health with PFAS? Please feel free to contact the GGD Fryslân via telephone number 088 229 92 22 (available on working days between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm). You can also send an email to Milieuengezondheid@ggdfryslan.nl.

Frequently asked questions

What is PFAS?

PFAS stands for Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. PFAS is a group of chemicals that have unique water and dirt-repellent properties. PFAS are widely produced and found in many common products because of these beneficial properties. Consider, for example, non-stick coatings, water-repellent textile treatments and fire-resistant foams.

These chemicals have been made and used for decades in various industries and consumer products. A few common examples of PFAS are PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate), PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic Acid), PFBS (Perfluorobutane Sulfonate), and PFHxS (Perfluorohexane Sulfonate).

PFAS are also known as “forever chemicals” because they hardly break down and can therefore accumulate in the environment (plants, animals and people). They occur everywhere in the environment. Due to their potentially harmful effects on human health and the environment, PFAS have received a lot of attention. A lot of research is still being done into the properties of PFAS and how these substances behave in the environment (including by RIVM).

What are the potential health risks of PFAS?

The consequences of exposure to PFAS depend on the duration and level of exposure. Long-term exposure to elevated levels of PFAS can have health consequences. It probably has an effect on the immune system. In addition, it can have an effect on the functioning of the liver, the hormonal system and forms of cancer. More information can be found on the GGD Living Environment page.

What is the role of the municipality?

Since 2003, the municipality of Leeuwarden has been legally entitled and responsible for making decisions about the soil. Think of:

  • Granting permits for soil activities.
  • Establishing soil quality standards.
  • Monitoring compliance with regulations regarding soil management and protection.

For example, the municipality is now working to clarify the PFAS levels for its entire territory. This will be included in a PFAS soil quality map. This also happened with the presence of other substances. You can find information about this on the Zicht op Grond website.

The City of Leeuwarden considers a healthy living environment to be very important and that is why PFAS is included in soil surveys commissioned by the municipality (for example in new developments and maintenance work).

Where in Leeuwarden has PFAS been found?

Elevated levels of PFAS have recently been found in the soil and water of the Jelsumer Feart. For more information, see the heading ‘Current: Jelsumer Feart’ on this page.

What is the municipality doing to map PFAS?

The municipality creates a soil quality map within the City of Leeuwarden. PFAS levels are also listed here. See also the answer to the question ‘What is the role of the municipality?’. Other organizations, such as Wetterskip Fryslân, also investigate the waterbed before starting dredging work, for example.

What is the municipality doing to clean up PFAS contamination?

So far, no major contamination with PFAS is known, except for the Jelsumer Feart, see the heading ‘Current: Jelsumer Feart’. The contaminated waterbed there must be remediated (cleaned) by Wetterskip Fryslân.

What is the municipality doing to prevent contamination with PFAS?

The municipality includes PFAS in the soil investigations carried out on its behalf. Furthermore, the municipality uses and monitors the national laws and regulations regarding PFAS. The municipality also collaborates with other authorities, such as the province, the water board and the GGD. Together we take measures to prevent PFAS contamination and to protect the environment and human health.

How are PFAS spread in the environment?

PFAS can enter the environment through various routes. For example, wastewater discharges, the use of products containing PFAS and through the air.

More information

More information about PFAS can be found at: