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What can you get a subsidy for?

  • Facade insulation
  • Floor or ground insulation
  • Roof insulation from the inside or from a flat roof
  • Attic/loft insulation
  • HR++ glazing/HR++ triple glazing, insulated frame panel or an insulated door

You are already eligible for a grant for one insulation measure. The insulation measures must be carried out after 1 January 2024. The work must be completed by 31 December 2026.

Grant conditions

  • You own and live in the home in the City of Leeuwarden.
  • Your home has energy label D, E, F or G.
    • Does your home not have an established energy label? If so, at least two of the following existing building parts must be uninsulated or poorly insulated: the floor and floor, the facade (including cavity wall), the roof and attic/loft floor, windows and doors.
  • Your home has a maximum WOZ value of €268,000 (reference date January 1, 2022).
  • You can use this grant once per address/household.

What can you get a subsidy for?

In practice, the City of Leeuwarden cannot currently provide a subsidy for cavity wall or roof insulation from outside. Bat and bird species can nest in the cavity walls and roofs of a home. Disturbing and killing these species and destroying their habitats is prohibited on the basis of the Environmental Act and the Living Environment Activities Decree.

We are working on ways to make insulation possible in a nature-friendly way. As soon as this is possible, more information about the possibility of a subsidy will be available on this page. If you would like to know more, you can visit the website about nature-friendly insulation of the province of Fryslân.

Conditions for insulation measures

The insulation measures you carry out or commission must meet a number of conditions. For all measures, the material must be on the notification code list of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO). You can find these notification code lists on the website of the RVO. This concerns normal homes. For listed buildings, see the annex to the subsidy scheme on the Overheid.nl website (local).

Roof or attic or loft floor insulation (with notification code)

  • At least 20 square metres of the existing roof will be insulated. Or if the attic or loft is unheated, at least 20 square metres of the area of the existing attic or loft floor will be insulated.

Facade insulation (with notification code)

  • At least 10 square metres of the existing area of the interior or exterior wall is insulated.

HR++ glazing/HR++ triple glazing, insulated frame panel or an insulated door.

  • At least 8 square metres of the existing area will be replaced.

Floor or ground insulation (with notification code)

  • At least 20 square metres of the area of the existing floor or ground will be insulated.

Amount of the grant

You can apply for a maximum grant of €2,150. For a listed building, this is a maximum of €2,500.
Do the measures implemented cost less than this amount? Then you can apply for a maximum of the total amount of the measures. If you use bio-based insulation material, you can increase the grant by 10 per cent to a maximum of €200.  This applies to normal and listed houses.

Do you want to do more to your home and are on a low income? The City of Leeuwarden has another grant.

For more information, go to the Subsidy Scheme for energy-saving housing measures page. This subsidy scheme has the additional condition that you have a low income (no higher than €48,625 gross per year) The same conditions apply to the energy label and maximum WOZ value of your home. You may be able to take advantage of both subsidies, enabling you to make your home even more sustainable.

What do you need for the application?

Hand in the following documents with your application:

  • A quote with your name, address and place of residence on it.
  • A description of each insulation (and ventilation) measure completed.
    • The name of the insulation material used.
    • The number of square metres per measure insulated.
    • The notification code of the material used. If not known: all insulation values of the materials used.

Are you going to make the house more sustainable yourself? In that case you must submit:

  • A plan containing the work to be carried out.
  • A description of each insulation (and ventilation) measure completed.
    • The name of the insulation material used.
    • The number of square metres per measure insulated.
    • The notification code of the material used. If not known: all insulation values of the materials used.
  • An overview of the expected costs.
    • You can only receive a subsidy for the costs of the materials, not for your own hours.

Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?

Download and complete the Application form Home Insulation Grant Scheme. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.

What should you do once the insulation measures have been implemented?

Return the claim form you received after your application and enclose the invoices. This should be done within four weeks of receipt of invoices for insulation measures.

Have you made your home more sustainable yourself? Then also attach the invoice (receipt) or contract for the materials purchased. This contains your name, address and place of residence.

Questions or more information?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • Home insulation grant scheme City of Leeuwarden.