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The six goals

Six targets have been set to increase biodiversity by 2035. The policy framework outlines how we will work on this. The following goals are envisaged:

  • We will increase species diversity and reduce the vulnerability of (Frisian) populations.
  • We will take soil, water and biodiversity as a starting point when designing and managing the human environment.
  • We want to restore, strengthen and expand existing green-blue structures.
  • We will aim for a future-proof food system without adverse effects on air, soil and water quality.
  • We are committed to restoring biodiversity when issuing and zoning land.
  • We will encourage positive contact between people and nature.

No projects will be developed in the Biodiversity Policy Framework: this will be done in the implementation programmes Greening and Biodiversity. These are still being drafted.

Responding to the draft policy framework

The draft Biodiversity Policy Framework will be available for inspection at City Hall from Sunday 8 September at the City Hall. Here you can also ask questions about the plan and procedure. Or you can view them at the website of Overheid.nl

Submitting an opinion

Do you disagree with certain points? If so, you can give your response by submitting an official view. The responses will be considered by the city executive when the plan is submitted to the city council.


  • The draft policy framework will be available for viewing from Saturday 15 June to Sunday 8 September.
  • The draft policy framework will be submitted to the city council after the summer. They will set the framework.

Do you have any questions?

Send an email to duurzaamheid@leeuwarden.nl or contact the City of Leeuwarden.