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For what purposes can you apply for a grant?

You can apply for a grant for extra activities for children, parent involvement and strengthening the line of progress. Additional activities for children can relate to various areas of development, such as cognitive, social-emotional, cultural-artistic and motor development. Parent involvement is about strengthening the pedagogical and didactic partnership in the parent-child-professional triangle. The line of progress is about the development of children from 0 to 13/14 years.

Who can apply for a subsidy?

The grant scheme is for all (start-up) IKCs in the City of Leeuwarden. The director of the IKC makes the grant application on behalf of the school board.

Conditions (calculation rules)

The budget must comply with certain calculation rules. The hourly rate may not exceed €80. Preparation time should constitute a maximum of 40 per cent of professionals’ commitment. You may use up to 20% of the total grant for overheads. Overheads include, for example, costs for materials, coordination, (further) training, additional consultations.

Amount of the grant

The maximum amount that can be applied for differs per IKC:

  • Plus IKCs and IKC Trianova: €2,500 + €85 per child aged 2 years and above attending the IKC as of reference date 1 February 2025.
  • Plus IKCs and IKC Trianova: €5,000 + €105 per child aged 2 and above attending the IKC as of reference date 1 February 2025.
  • IKC Sint Paulus: € 10,000 + € 350 per child of 2 years and above attending the IKC as of reference date 1 February 2025.

Additional option: innovative sub-application for young children

You can make an additional partial application on top of your application. This partial application should not be an extension of your standard application. In assessing these sub-applications, explicit priority will be given to applications that support early childhood development.

School en Omgeving

The IKCs in Leeuwarden East participate in the School en Omgeving (School and Environment) programme. The grant for the additional learning and development time and the coordination team is applied for by the school and childcare boards.

What happens after your application?

After submitting your application, you will have talks with the IKC committee. This committee consists of people from education and childcare, an expert and a chairperson. Only the basic IKCs and IKC Sint Paulus need to present their application.

Questions or more information?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • ‘Kansen voor Kinderen’ grant scheme 2025