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How does it work?

Through this fund, the local authority reimburses costs for contribution, membership and/or required materials for adults who are struggling to make ends meet. By doing this, we want to give all adults the opportunity to participate in sports and cultural activities. These are low-income residents. See also under the heading ‘Reimbursement conditions’ on this page.


Any resident of the municipality of Leeuwarden who wants to claim reimbursement through the fund can contact an intermediary (agent). The website of Volwassenenfonds Sport & Cultuur shows which intermediaries you can approach in the City of Leeuwarden. This could be, for example, a debt relief worker, community sports coach or social worker. You can choose someone yourself.

Registration and payment

Road plan

  1. The intermediary will discuss your financial situation with you.
  2. That person submits the application to the Adult Fund Sport & Culture.
  3. The fund contacts the sports or cultural association.
  4. The fund processes your application and the payment of your contribution or membership.

That enables you to participate in sports and/or culture without worries. Other participants do not know you are using this fund.


To find out how you can benefit from the Adult Fund Sport & Culture, you can also watch the video.

What amount is available?

You can receive a maximum of €300 per year. You will have to pay any additional costs yourself.

Conditions for reimbursement

If your income is lower than the amounts in the table, you are eligible for reimbursement through the Adult Fund Sport & Culture. These amounts are after tax and do not include holiday pay.

If your income is higher but you are struggling to make ends meet, contact one of the intermediaries. You may still be eligible for the fund.

Age/situation Single (parent) Married/cohabiting
18 – 20 living at home € 368.26 per month € 736.52 per month
18 – 20 not living at home € 1.491.64 per month € 2.130.90 per month
21 to state retirement age € 1.491.64 per month € 2.130.90 per month
State retirement age € 1.660.82 per month € 2.253.38 per month
Institutional residence € 520.19 per month € 842.98 per month

Youth and student schemes

Youth fund

For young people under 18, we work with the Youth Fund Sport & Culture. An application for this works the same as with the Adult Fund Sport & Culture. We hope that this will ensure that young people will continue activities even after reaching adulthood.

Student sports pass

The City of Leeuwarden has a different scheme for students who want to play sports. Residents of Leeuwarden who are students (MBO, HBO or university) can participate in a wide range of sports via a sports pass for a lower cost (maximum €95 per year).

For more information, visit the Leeuwarden Student Sport website.

More information?

Do you want more information or are you curious about the rules in the City of Leeuwarden? If so, go to the website of Volwassenenfonds Sport & Cultuur.