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Video explanations

This obligation to provide information is explained in the obligation to provide information video. You are also given some examples. Would you rather not watch this video? You will find that information also on this page.

Obligation to provide information

If you receive benefits, you are obliged to notify us of certain changes. They include changes in your personal situation and changes in your income. It is important to know what changes you need to report. This will help you avoid problems.

Changes to your personal situation

These are some examples of changes you need to report to us:

  • If you move house, start cohabitating or someone leaves your household.
  • If someone temporarily moves in with you.
  • If you start a relationship and you live more and more often together. You must also report this even if both of you have your own home.

Changes to your income

It is important that we know in time what your income is. Knowing your income enables us to calculate how much benefit you are entitled to.

There is more to income than a salary. You will find information about the situations in which you must report income on the page I have a social benefit and receive income.

Not sure whether you should report something or not?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

More information about the rules that apply to you

These can be found on the Rijksoverheid website.

How to pass on your changes?

Passing on changes to the City of Leeuwarden

Use the change form to pass on changes. You have received this form when your benefits began. Do you no longer have the form? Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Passing on changes to the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst)

It is important that you pass on changes in your living situation or income to the Tax Authorities. That will prevent you having to repay your allowance at a later date.

Failure to pass on information or giving incorrect information

If you fail to pass on information, or provide incorrect information, we may not pay the correct benefit to you. You will have to repay the excess amount. You may also be fined if you have received too much benefit because you provided incorrect information.

The local authority provides information to the Belastingdienst, the Social Insurance Bank (SVB) and other organisations. These organisations also provide us with information. Nevertheless, you must also provide us with information yourself. For that reason, be sure to communicate all information and changes in your situation on time.

Benefits information booklet

The information booklet “informatieboekje over bijstand” (*Book about Benefits) provides detailed information about benefits. You will find the answers to questions such as:

  • What does the local authority do if I am granted a benefit?
  • What should I do if I receive a benefit?
  • What about job searching?