Starting or changing childcare facilities
Do you want to start or change a day-care centre, out-of-school care, a childminding agency or childminder service? You will need to report this to us.
Starting a childcare facility
The first step is to complete the online form on the central government (Rijksoverheid) website. You can also notify us of your childcare facility by registering online via Kinderopvangvoorziening (Childcare facility)
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Go to the central government website for the paper form and contact the City of Leeuwarden.
What is done with your application?
The Municipal Health Service (GGD) checks whether your childcare facility meets the statutory quality requirements. Is this the case? If so, we will register your organisation in the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang, LRK). We will send you a letter once you are registered in the LRK.
Changing a childcare facility
The first step is to complete the online form on the central government (Rijksoverheid) website. Then inform us of your change online via Kinderopvangvoorziening registratie wijzigen (change childcare facility).
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Go to the Rijksoverheid website for the paper form. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall. A paper application takes longer to process.
Since 1 January 2023, you pay fees for applying for a childcare facility. Also for holder changes. That could be a new owner or a new address. No charge is made for changing the address of a childminder agency.
- Application for preschool childcare, a day nursery, out-of-school care and childminder agency € 2,343.75
- Application for a host family facility: € 468.75
Laws and regulations
The following laws can be found on the website (national):
- Childcare Act
- The Childcare Act Regulation
- The Quality of Childcare Decree
The following regulations can be found on the website (local):
- Policy rules for the supervision and legal enforcement, City of Leeuwarden 2021
- Fees Ordinance Leeuwarden
Starting a childcare facility
The first step is to complete the online form on the central government (Rijksoverheid) website. You can also notify us of your childcare facility by registering online via Kinderopvangvoorziening (Childcare facility)
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Go to the central government website for the paper form and contact the City of Leeuwarden.
What is done with your application?
The Municipal Health Service (GGD) checks whether your childcare facility meets the statutory quality requirements. Is this the case? If so, we will register your organisation in the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang, LRK). We will send you a letter once you are registered in the LRK.
Changing a childcare facility
The first step is to complete the online form on the central government (Rijksoverheid) website. Then inform us of your change online via Kinderopvangvoorziening registratie wijzigen (change childcare facility).
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Go to the Rijksoverheid website for the paper form. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall. A paper application takes longer to process.
Since 1 January 2023, you pay fees for applying for a childcare facility. Also for holder changes. That could be a new owner or a new address. No charge is made for changing the address of a childminder agency.
- Application for preschool childcare, a day nursery, out-of-school care and childminder agency € 2,343.75
- Application for a host family facility: € 468.75
Laws and regulations
The following laws can be found on the website (national):
- Childcare Act
- The Childcare Act Regulation
- The Quality of Childcare Decree
The following regulations can be found on the website (local):
- Policy rules for the supervision and legal enforcement, City of Leeuwarden 2021
- Fees Ordinance Leeuwarden