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Registering for a play-learning group

Has your child reached the age of 2? If so, your child may attend the play-learn group. Register your child 3 months before their 2nd birthday at one of the following 5 childcare organisations:

How often is a play-learning group held?

Your child attends the play-learn group for a maximum of 2 half-days a week.

Early childhood education (VVE) indication

A nurse from the child healthcare centre (GGD) will make a decision on whether it is right for your child to attend extra half-day sessions at the play-learn group. This decision is part of the Early Childhood Education (VVE) programme. Your child attends the play-learn group for 2 extra half-days, which is good for your child’s development. These 2 extra half-days are free of charge. For more information, please contact GGD-Fryslân.

What will you be charged?

The amount you are charged depends on your income. Information on charges is available from the childcare organisation.

Entitlement to childcare allowance?

Or do you receive childcare allowance? Report this to the tax authorities. You will find more information at the website of the Belastingdienst.

No entitlement to childcare allowance?

Report this to the childcare provider. The childcare organisation will then calculate your personal contribution.

Allowance under the Kopjesregeling

Do you receive childcare allowance and an income at social assistance benefit level? If so the Belastingdienst covers 96% of your costs. The local authority can pay the rest under the ‘Kopjesregeling’. More information can be found on the page allowance under the Kopjesregeling.

Childcare addresses

Are you looking for a crèche, play-learning group, out-of-school care, a childminder or childminder agency? You will find more information on the website Landelijk Register Kinderopvang van de Rijksoverheid (National central government childcare register).