Quick to:

Permit check

You have a plan. With the permit check at the Environmental Desk you can check whether you need to apply for an environmental permit for your work or submit a notification.

Do the check for all your work

Are you cutting down a tree to build a way out? Then complete the permit check for both activities.

The results of the check do not provide any guarantee or rights. Do you want to be sure whether you need a permit? Then submit an environmental permit application. We will then check whether you need to apply for a permit.

Is the outcome ‘Contact your municipality’?

Is the outcome, for the reason Flora and fauna activity or Natura 2000 activity, that you need to contact the local authority? Please contact the Province of Fryslân and not the municipality. The City of Leeuwarden does not deal with this.

Draft request

Previously this was called preliminary consultation, sketch plan or request in principle.

You can submit an application as a draft request via the Environment Desk. We will then let you know how likely it is that your application will be approved. In step 7 in the Environment Counter, you can choose to submit your application as a draft request. You may submit a draft request, but this is not necessary.

Submitting a draft request costs money. You will receive these costs back when you apply for an environmental permit.

You will not be reimbursed for any costs you may incur for welfare advice.


Submit final application or notification

You must submit the final application or notification via the Environment Desk. Submit the application completely. This prevents delays. Make sure that no privacy-sensitive data is included in the attachment. For example, your name, address or citizen service number. Submitting an application costs money.

You will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt from the Environment Desk. We will then also send a confirmation of receipt. This way, you can be sure that your application has reached us.

Submit additional information?

Is it a permit application? Go to My Environment Desk. Add the information under the same request number.

Is it a notification? Then it is not possible to add the information. We will reject your report and inform you that you must submit a new report.

Procedure Notification

You usually have to report 4 weeks before you start the activity. Sometimes a different term may apply. This is on the action list that you receive after you have completed the permit check.

Is the notification complete? You will then receive a message from us.

Permit application procedure

We will let you know whether we can assess your application. Aren’t we the authority that decides? We will then forward your request. We also indicate which procedure applies:

Standard procedure

  • This procedure takes a maximum of 8 weeks. This period can be extended once by 6 weeks.
  • We will assess your application according to the legal rules. Sometimes we ask another organization for advice. For example, the Wetterskip or the Welfare Committee.
  • Does your application comply with the rules of the law? We will then send you a copy of the permit. We publish the permit online.

Extended procedure

  • The procedure takes a maximum of six months. This period can be extended once by 6 weeks.
  • We will assess your application according to the legal rules. Sometimes we ask another organization for advice. For example, the Wetterskip or the Welfare Committee.
  • Does your application comply with the rules of the law? A draft permit is then drawn up first. It is available for viewing. That means anyone can view the permit.
    • For applications up to and including 2023, please submit a request for inspection. The requested documents will be available for inspection at the counter in the Leeuwarden city hall within 3 days.
    • You can view applications from 2024 onwards via Overheid.nl.
  • Does someone want to respond? If so, that person must submit a viewpoint. This must be done within 6 weeks.
  • After 6 weeks we will draw up the final decision. The views may lead to changes in the draft permit. We provide a response for each submission.
  • Does your application comply with the rules of the law? We will then send you a copy of the permit. We publish the environmental permit online.

What is needed for which activity?

Via the Environmental Permit page you will find activities for which you may need to apply for an environmental permit or submit a notification.

For example, if you are going to build something, remove asbestos, demolish something, cut down a tree or construct an exit.

My Environment Desk

Via My Environment Desk you can;

  • view all your submitted requests;
  • supplement, amend or revoke permit applications;
  • authorize someone to submit an application on your behalf.

Application submitted before January 1, 2024?

Go to OLO.

Object and file an appeal

Has the permit been granted? Interested parties can object or file an appeal.

Objecting is free.

Filing an appeal costs money.

You cannot object or appeal against a notification.

Questions or need help?

Please visit the Environment Desk’s Help Centre.

Still have questions or need help?

Send an email to vergunningen@leeuwarden.nl or contact the City of Leeuwarden by other means.