Quick to:

Go to your local community centre.

People from Amaryllis and volunteers work at a community centre. They are happy to help you with your questions about money matters or debts.

You will find more information on the Community Centres page.

Do you not want or cannot go to a community centre?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden. We will help you find a solution.

Would you prefer help from Kredietbank Nederland?

Contact Kredietbank Nederland on telephone number 088 62 62 777. Kredietbank Nederland can help you with questions about income management and debt rescheduling.

Find out what you are entitled to

Want to know which schemes and allowances you are entitled to? Go to the website datgeldtvoormij.

De Geldkrant

Within our municipality there are various organizations and ways that can help residents with financial worries. You can read more about this on the ‘De Geldkrant’ page.