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Repayment in a single payment?

Transfer the amount in question to bank account NL78BNGH0285032771 of the City of Leeuwarden. State your citizen service number (BSN) under ‘Description or Payment Reference’.

Unable to repay the amount in one go?

Apply for a payment schedule. Complete the ‘Payment Schedule Form’ for this. We decide how much you can repay monthly based on this information.

What happens if you do not repay the amount?

You will then receive a reminder from us. If you do not pay within 14 days and/or do not contact us, we will send you a writ of execution. With this writ of execution we can seize your income. There are costs associated with the writ of execution, which you pay yourself. So please contact us in time to make arrangements.

And if you do not repay the amount after receiving a writ of execution?

In that case, the local authority will impose an attachment on your income. That means that some of your income will go directly to the local authority. An attachment on your income costs money. You pay these costs yourself.

When do you receive a recovery notice?

  • If you have received too much benefit because you have not provided any, incorrect or not enough information.
  • If you have previously received an advance. Because you have applied for a social security benefit, but have not received it.
  • If you have received too much benefit by mistake.
  • If we were unable to set off your income against your benefits.
  • If you have received a loan in the form of loan assistance.

Prevent an attachment, contact us!

Have you received a reminder/writ of execution from the Collection team? Then contact the City of Leeuwarden as soon as possible. We will help you find a solution. It is important to be in contact with your creditor. Taking care of your money matters gives you peace of mind and prevents money worries. Go to the video ‘Prevent attachment on your benefits’ for more information.