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Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058

Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 is there for parents in the City of Leeuwarden and their children who have run into problems because they had to repay their childcare allowance.

Hulpteam Toeslagen 058 will discuss the matter with you based on your personal situation. In what way have you got into difficulty through the child allowance affair? We will be pleased to offer you help and listen to what you have to say. Even if you have asked for help before and you are still having problems, we will be happy to look at what can be done for you now.

Contact Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Contacting the Tax Authorities (Belastingdienst)

You can also contact the Tax Authorities without the assistance of Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058.

Do you feel that your childcare allowance was wrongly stopped in the past? Are you facing what you believe are wrongful claims for repayment? You will find more information at the Tax Authorities website on the page Serviceteam gedupeerden Kinderopvangtoeslag (Child care allowance victims service team).


Register the following details with the Serviceteam Gedupeerden Kinderopvangtoeslag

  • That you have faced roughly the same problems as the parents in the CAF 11 case.
  • You will then be placed on the list of self-registering persons. You will be asked for your BSN (citizen service number), which you will find on your identity card, passport or driving licence.

The Belastingdienst will confirm your registration by letter. It may take some time before you receive notice of the follow-up. This is because these processes take a lot of time. The Tax Authorities will keep you informed.

More information can be found on the website of the Tax Authorities or on this page under the heading ‘Questions and answers’.

Submitting private debts

The Tax Authorities started resolving the debts of parents/allowance partners of the childcare allowance affair in early 2022. The Belastingdienst will send you a letter asking you to report your private debts.

Have you registered as a victim?

And have you received a message from the Tax Authorities that you have been duped? Then you can submit your debt list. You do not have to wait for a letter about this.

Unwilling or unable to register online

If you find it difficult to report your private debts online, or would like to gain a clear view of your debts, contact Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 via the City of Leeuwarden.

Which debts to register

These must be private debts that came about between 1 January 2006 and 1 June 2021. You will find more information at the website Rijksbelastingdienst.

Private debts include debts to:

  • banks
  • insurance companies
  • debt collection agencies
  • energy companies
  • housing associations
  • online stores
  • telephone companies
  • gyms
  • lease companies
  • property rent or company waste organisations

If in doubt, contact Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 via the City of Leeuwarden.

How to register your debts

There are two ways of registering your debts:

If you do not file register your debts, creditors may (again) start claiming your outstanding debts.

Do you not yet know exactly which debts you have?

Then please inform us in advance of any debts you do know. You can register debts as often as you want to.

More information

For more information, go to the Tax Authorities website.

Support team for parents with children placed in care.

The child allowance affair has caused a great deal of misery and painful consequences. In past years a group of children from the affected families has been placed in care. Perhaps this has happened to one of your children. In cases such as these the Support Team is there for you and your family.

What the Support Team does

  • The Support Team listens and helps parents and children with questions about placement in care.
  • They talk to you about what has happened concerning the placement in care. They try to clarify the options and wishes of parents and children.
  • They call in organisations needed for that purpose and help you in your contact with them.
  • They help in the process getting back into contact or bringing the family back together.

You will find more information on the Support Team website.

Stichting Lotgenotencontact

Stichting Lotgenotencontact (“fellow-sufferers foundation”) is independent. The Ministry of Finance pays the foundation’s costs.

What Stichting Lotgenotencontact does

  • Stichting Lotgenoten is a national hotline for and by parents who have fallen victim to the childcare allowance affair.
  • Individual parents support each other in their dealings with the authorities.
    This includes the ‘three-way talks’ with the local authority and the Implementing Agency for Remedial Action in connection with Allowances (UHT).
  • Local authorities support the assistance for victims. They do this, for example, by:
    • Helping to organise participation in meetings.
    • Holding talks with the local authority about the help they can offer those parents.

If you have any questions, contact Stichting Lotgenoten on telephone number 030 44 22 000 or send an email to contact@lotgenotencontact.info.

Child scheme

Are you the child of a parent officially affected by the benefits affair? You will then receive a letter from the Tax Authorities. The letter provides information about the Child Scheme and the amount of compensation you are due. The amount depends on your age. It may take some time before you receive this letter. You will find more information about the schedule on the website Kindregeling voor jou (Child Scheme for You).

You can ask for assistance with:

  • Questions about education
  • Help with work
  • Financial problems
  • Extra care
  • An opportunity to talk about what has happened to you.

Help or more information

Would you like to talk to someone about this, or do you have other questions? Contact the City of Leeuwarden. We will talk to you about your situation and what you need. This may vary between each situation.

The SPUK (specific benefit)

The SPUK is a specific benefit. Through the SPUK, municipalities can apply for money to implement policy. Funds from the SPUK cannot be paid out directly to the parents/families who have fallen victim. Its purpose is to set up broad support. This support is there to help parents and their families who have or may have fallen victim. The SPUK is not intended for decisions on what help and broad support parents/children may or will receive.

Entitlement to the SPUK

Parents are not entitled to the SPUK. The SPUK is a way of paying local authorities to carry out their work. The SPUK regulates what funds local authorities receive and how they should be accounted for. The SPUK does not confer any rights to compensation or resources. The SPUK does not cover individual requests for help to your local authority or the Hulpteam Toeslagen.

How the broad support of the Support Team works

You can apply to the City of Leeuwarden for assistance. You will then have an interview with the Benefits Assistance Team of the City of Leeuwarden. The support request will be discussed with you. We consider what is needed for each parent/child and their family for each region.

Not everyone needs the same assistance. We consider what is needed for each individual or family. The Hulpteam Toeslagen draws up an action plan for the best assistance. This plan sets out how the assistance will ensure that goals are achieved. Account is taken of the personal circumstances of the parent/child and the family. The broad support is tailored to specific needs.

You may be offered resources as part of the broad support. This is only possible if laid down in the action plan. A reason must always be given. Entitlement to broad support is not the same as entitlement to resources.

Can I compare my help offer with other parents or help in other districts?

No, that is not possible. The purpose of the support is to help you make a new start. The form of that new start and what is needed for that depends on your specific circumstances. We will talk to you about what you need.

Is it possible to compensate costs outside of an action plan?

No, that is not possible. The broad support is always related to a goal in one or more areas. This is laid down in an action plan. The action plan is a condition. The action plan must always contain a reason for what is given (and the goal). The Hulpteam Toeslagen will consider the situation as it is now – when the parent registers.

More information about financial compensation

For additional financial compensation, please refer to the Tax Authorities and/or the Commissie Werkelijke Schade (actual damages committee). See the website of the Tax Authorities.

Questions and Answers

What is Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

The Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 is specific service for victims of the childcare allowance affair of the City of Leeuwarden.

Can I contact Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 on someone else’s behalf?

Yes. You can get in touch on someone else’s behalf. However, it must be clear that the victim has authorised you. The Support Team only assists victims. The Support Team always speaks to the victims themselves to find out what is needed.

Do I have to pay the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

No. You are not charged for our work.

Do I need a lawyer for the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

No. You may however need a lawyer for the problems you have encountered because of the childcare allowance affair. The Support Team can talk to you about this and offer you advice.

How do I contact the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

There are various ways to get in contact with the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058.

Is the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 separate from the Belastingdienst?

Yes. The Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 is separate from the Belastingdienst.

Do I have to contact the Belastingdienst before contacting the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

No. You can ask us for help even if you have not yet contacted the Tax Authorities or registered as a victim. We can help you to register with the Tax Authorities.

Can the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 cancel my debt with the Tax Authorities?

No the local authority cannot pay out or repay any money. That is a task of the Tax Authorities. Our Support Team can put you in touch with the Tax Authorities. The Support Team will also help you if you are in debt or have problems with your family or job.

No one ever takes me seriously, will that be any different with the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

Yes. The Support Team is there for you, will listen to you and work on your behalf. It took a long time for the government to admit that the Tax Authorities had made mistakes. The government recognises those mistakes and has apologised. Many people have been seriously affected by the mistakes made by the Tax Authorities. The government has instructed local authorities to help the victims. The Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 is there for you.

What is the childcare allowance?

Childcare is very expensive. Most people are unable to pay for it on their own. That is why you can apply to the Tax Authorities for a childcare allowance. The amount of allowance you receive depends on your income, the number of childcare hours and the number of hours you work.

Why have I been told to repay the childcare allowance?

There can be many reasons for this. They include:
The childcare allowance is a monthly advance. After all, childcare is usually paid monthly. The Tax Authorities checks afterwards whether the monthly advance was correct. If you received too much as an advance, you will have to repay it.

What is the childcare allowance affair?

If you want more information about the childcare allowance affair, you will find it at the website Rijksbelastingdienst.

I have already been in touch with the Tax Authorities. Do I still have to contact the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058?

No, that is not necessary. However, it is allowed. For example, you can contact the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 58 if you cannot work things out with the Tax Authorities. Or if you need assistance from the local authority. For example: help with debts, health, work or day care, your family and imminent eviction. The Support Team will help you, for example, by listing income, fixed costs and debts together. And get your papers in order. Together, we will make sure it is clear what needs to be done, what you can do yourself and how long it will take.

What do the Tax Authorities do?

The Tax Authorities are working on making up for the mistakes that were previously made. Families that were seriously affected are given financial compensation. For example, the Tax Authorities can reduce the amounts that you have repaid or have to repay. It is also possible that you will not have to repay anything at all. It will take some time before you are informed about this. That is because the childcare allowance affair procedures take a lot of time. The Tax Authorities have asked local authorities to help. Local authorities offer other types of help to families needing it.

Will I get compensation?

It is possible that the Tax Authorities will reimburse you if you have paid too much. In some cases, you may be entitled to an additional amount because the Tax Authorities’ mistakes also had other consequences for you. That extra amount is referred to as compensation. The Belastingdienst will consider whether you are entitled to compensation. Would you like to know more about that? For more information, contact the Tax Authorities on telephone number 0800 – 2 358 358.

You can also ask the Hulpteam Toeslagenaffaire 058 to put you in touch with the Tax Authorities.