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What does it entail?

Asylum permit holders get the chance to work in a company in a language internship. This helps them to practice the language and learn about society. The company gets the assistance of an asylum permit holder. Diversity brings more creativity and new insights.

Language pathways at companies

The City of Leeuwarden wants everyone to have a fair chance of a good life, where it makes no difference where you come from or who you are. This is not only important for the people concerned, but it also helps make the community stronger. Language pathways at companies will be running until 1 January 2026.

What is expected of the employer?

  • Provide a clear description of the position and tasks.
  • Make sure the asylum permit holder interacts with people as much as possible.
  • Assigning a permanent staff member as a point of contact works well for the asylum permit holder.
  • This staff member can also give tips to colleagues on how they can help.

What is expected of the asylum permit holder?

  • You are motivated.
  • You learn new words.
  • You get to explore the work culture.
  • You will learn new skills.

Questions, or do you want to sign up?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.