Quick to:

What do I need to arrange?

When you turn 18, there are a number of things that you must arrange for yourself:

  • You need to apply for a Digi-D. With Digi-D, you can arrange many important things online.
  • You have to take out your own health insurance. You can check which health insurance is best for you on the website datgeldtvoormij.nl.
  • You can apply for care allowance.
  • Are you studying? If so, you can apply for student loans.

And more.

Do you want to know exactly what you are entitled to, as well as what you are obliged to arrange? If so, complete the Rijksoverheid survey. That will give you more information.

Check what you are entitled to

If so, use the website datgeldtvoormij to check which schemes and allowances you are entitled to.

Planning for the future? Good idea!

Making all those arrangements can be a lot of work. How should I go about it? Who can help me? When should I make a start? The future plan could help you with this. It is advisable to fill it out together with someone who knows you well. That will give you a clear overview and show you exactly what to do, who with, and how.

You are turning 18: what does this mean for your parents/carers?

Once you turn 18, a lot changes for you. But also for your parents/carers. It is important that they also know what you are entitled to now and what you need to arrange yourself. Your parents/carers can find more information on the Nibud website.

Questions or need help?

Go to your local District or village community centre. Or Contact the City of Leeuwarden.