Water Warmth
Leeuwarden wants to be climate neutral by 2050. To achieve this, we aim to make 10,000 homes and 5,000 buildings natural gas-free by 2030.
About the project
Disconnecting homes from the gas network calls for other energy sources. The ‘Leeuwarder Energy Agenda’ identifies aquathermal systems as a promising source. aquathermal systems heat and cool your home using heat and cold from surface water.
How do we do this?
We will test through a pilot in Baard whether aquathermal systems can also form a good and sustainable alternative to natural gas. Energy cooperative Grieneko is our sub-partner in this project. Grieneko will undertake the actual implementation of this project with the installation of the aquathermal systems. We are working together with 21 other partners from north-western Europe, all of which have different tasks within this project. Water Warmth falls within the Interreg North Sea Region programme.
Project partners
- Province of Friesland
- Warm Heeg BV
- City of Leeuwarden
- Grieneko
- Municipality of De Fryske Marren
- TU Delft – building and architecture faculty
- TU Delft – Engineering, Administration and Management faculty
- Builders Ecole d ingenieurs (France)
- Universite Le Havre Normandie (France)
- ESIGELEC Ecole d’Ingénieurs Généralistes (France)
- City of Kortijk (Belgium)
- University of Applied Sciences West Vlaanderen (Belgium)
- Energent Coöperatieve Vennootschap (Belgium)
- City of Mechelen (Belgium)
- Healthcare business Rivierenland (Belgium)
- European Heat Pump Association AISBL (Belgium)
- EXTRAQT (Belgium)
- Danish Board of District Heating (Denmark)
- Aalborg CSP (Denmark)
- Middelfart Kommune (Denmark)
- Lund University – Centre for Sustainability Studies (Sweden)
- Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützigeGmbH (Germany)
Project period
June 2023 – March 2027
About the project
Disconnecting homes from the gas network calls for other energy sources. The ‘Leeuwarder Energy Agenda’ identifies aquathermal systems as a promising source. aquathermal systems heat and cool your home using heat and cold from surface water.
How do we do this?
We will test through a pilot in Baard whether aquathermal systems can also form a good and sustainable alternative to natural gas. Energy cooperative Grieneko is our sub-partner in this project. Grieneko will undertake the actual implementation of this project with the installation of the aquathermal systems. We are working together with 21 other partners from north-western Europe, all of which have different tasks within this project. Water Warmth falls within the Interreg North Sea Region programme.
Project partners
- Province of Friesland
- Warm Heeg BV
- City of Leeuwarden
- Grieneko
- Municipality of De Fryske Marren
- TU Delft – building and architecture faculty
- TU Delft – Engineering, Administration and Management faculty
- Builders Ecole d ingenieurs (France)
- Universite Le Havre Normandie (France)
- ESIGELEC Ecole d’Ingénieurs Généralistes (France)
- City of Kortijk (Belgium)
- University of Applied Sciences West Vlaanderen (Belgium)
- Energent Coöperatieve Vennootschap (Belgium)
- City of Mechelen (Belgium)
- Healthcare business Rivierenland (Belgium)
- European Heat Pump Association AISBL (Belgium)
- EXTRAQT (Belgium)
- Danish Board of District Heating (Denmark)
- Aalborg CSP (Denmark)
- Middelfart Kommune (Denmark)
- Lund University – Centre for Sustainability Studies (Sweden)
- Hamburgisches WeltWirtschaftsInstitut gemeinnützigeGmbH (Germany)
Project period
June 2023 – March 2027