Organising a lottery
You need a licence to organise a lottery. You must also meet a number of conditions. If you meet the conditions, you can apply for a gaming licence.
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Download and complete the Application form for organising a game of chance. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.
What are the conditions?
- The prizes have no higher value than €4.500,00.
- For lotteries with a prize amount of €4.500,00 or more, you must apply for a licence from the Ministry of Justice, Project Bureau for Games of Chance in The Hague.
- You must present a financial statement to the local authority for the lottery held. The financial statement must be discussed with the local authority within three months of the draw.
Lottery that does not require a licence
No licence is required for small-group lotteries. For example, a lottery in family circles or at work for the company’s own employees.
The fee is € 38.99.
Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?
Download and complete the Application form for organising a game of chance. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.
What are the conditions?
- The prizes have no higher value than €4.500,00.
- For lotteries with a prize amount of €4.500,00 or more, you must apply for a licence from the Ministry of Justice, Project Bureau for Games of Chance in The Hague.
- You must present a financial statement to the local authority for the lottery held. The financial statement must be discussed with the local authority within three months of the draw.
Lottery that does not require a licence
No licence is required for small-group lotteries. For example, a lottery in family circles or at work for the company’s own employees.
The fee is € 38.99.