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The plan

The plan is to provide 45 permanent homes for 450 for refugees. COA puts these homes into use. General residential areas and offices for staff will also be built. There will also be a playground and other outdoor space. This is being done in consultation with property developer Zwanenburg.

All documents received, sent and published







Requests under the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid, woo)

Do you want access to documents that are not in the public domain? If so, you can use the ‘Open Government Act’. We refer to this as submitting a request under the Open Government Act. More information can be found on the page Submit a Woo request.

Woo request December 2022

A Woo required has been filed by a local resident on the subject of health research airbase. The document is given below:

Woo request 7 October 2022

A Woo request has been filed on the subject of ‘Regional Reception Site (feasibility study and reconnaissance)’. Listed below are the documents:

Woo request 13 September 2022

A law firm has filed a Woo request. They wanted the documents from property developer Zwanenburg to be made public. Listed below are the documents:

More information

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.