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What are Daytime Activities?

Day activities are a range of supervised activities through which you:

  • Retain skills. To prevent you from deteriorating and becoming unable to be self-reliant.
  • Skills you can improve or learn. So that you can eventually manage by yourself again, do (voluntary) work, follow education or participate in (sports) activities in your neighbourhood.

Do you need daytime activities?

You can ask for help in your own area.

Do you have a reason why you cannot work (work restriction)?

  • Can you work only with assistance or guidance due to an illness or disability? Or are you unable to work at all due to illness or disability?
  • Are you unable to earn the minimum wage because of your illness or disability?
  • Can you work in a workplace only with guidance and modifications?
  • Have you contracted an illness or disability at a young age that prevents you from working now and in the future?


If so, you may be eligible for an indication under the UWV. They can give you the following indications:

  • Job match indication
  • Sheltered employment indication
  • Granting of Disablement Assistance Act for Handicapped Young Persons (Wajong) benefit


You will find more information and explanations on the UWV website.

Do you have Wajong benefit, WIA, WAO or WW benefit through the UWV?

Enquire with the UWV about support and employment options.

Do you have an welfare benefit through the local authority?

Ask your contact at the City of Leeuwarden about job or training support options.

Do you have a care indication under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz)?

Do you have an indication under the Long-Term Care Act (Wlz)? If so, you can apply for Daytime Activities at ‘Zorgkantoor Friesland’. Daytime activities are a form of ‘Long-term care’.

Is this not the right solution for you?

In that case, you may be eligible for support under the Wmo. More information is available at the district and village community centres. You will need to make an appointment for this. Volunteers and professionals from Amaryllis are present here. They will work with you to see which support suits your situation. You pay a personal contribution for a facility under the Wmo.

Other possible solutions

You will find more information the Wmo page. For example, information on:

Do you have any other questions?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.