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Taxi transport within 25 km of your home address (within your region)

Do you need transport within your own region? That means within a radius of 25 kilometres from your home address. If so, there are several options for taxi transport.

Transport to and from hospital, care provider or care facility?

Do you need transport to and from hospital, care provider or care facility? Apply for this medical transport through your health insurer.

Transport to and from day care or outpatient’s treatment?

Do you need transport to get to and from day care or outpatient’s treatment? Contact your healthcare provider.

Transport to and from work or education facilities?

Do you need taxi transport to get to work or education facilities? Apply to the UWV for transport.

Transport to and from special primary or secondary education?

Does this concern a minor with a disability attending primary or secondary school? If so, you can apply to the local authority’s Pupil Transport Department.

Transport for other situations?

Such as visiting family or friends, going to a sports or other activity or club, going to the theatre or cinema, shopping or a day out in the town centre. If so, you may be eligible for taxi transport under the Wmo (Social Support Act). Contact the City of Leeuwarden to discuss this.


For taxi transport from the local authority (Wmo-taxi), you pay a travel contribution per trip (boarding rate) and per kilometre, just like for public transport.

How do I submit an application?

Submit your application online (you will need DigiD). Are you unwilling or unable to apply online? Download and complete the Wmo Application Form and fill in. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.

What happens next?

A local authority employee will call you within 6 weeks of receiving your application. The employee will first ask for more information about your situation. This can be done through a telephone interview or a meeting at your home. A solution is sought together with you. The municipality will let you know within 2 weeks of the interview whether you are eligible for taxi transport. You pay a personal contribution for a facility under the Wmo.

If there are many applications at once, it may take a little longer. The local authority will inform you of this.

Taxi transport outside 25 km from your home address (outside your region)

Do you need transport outside your own region? That means within a radius of 25 kilometres from your home address. If so, you may be eligible for Valys. Valys is taxi transport for people with disabilities who want to travel further than 25 kilometres.

More information about Valys taxi transport?

Go to the Valys website or call 0900-9630.

To apply for Valys, you need at least 1 of the following supporting documents:

  • Proof from the local authority that you have Wmo taxi transport.
  • Proof from the local authority that you have a Wmo wheelchair or Wmo mobility scooter.
  • A disabled parking card.
  • An OV companion card.
  • A statement from your local authority that, despite not having the above documents, transport outside your region from Valys is really needed.

Public transport (bus or train)

In recent years, many buses and bus stops have been adapted to make public transport accessible to all. This makes it possible for more people to use public transport. Also those who use a walker or wheelchair.

On public transport, you travel with an OV-chip card

You can buy a personal or anonymous OV-chip card. More information can be found on the OV-chip card website. You can also go to the OV-Servicepunt in Leeuwarden near the train station for this. There, you will be helped personally.

Never travelled with an OV-chipcard before?

In that case, you might need some explanation. For more information on travelling with a public transport chip card, visit the website OV chipcard explanation.

Need help applying for an OV-chip card?

You can visit a district service point in your area for help. You will need to make an appointment. More information about the district service point can be found on the website Stichting Buurtservicepunt Leeuwarden. You can also reach them by calling 06-34843569.

Do you need travel advice?

Do you want to know how to get somewhere by public transport? You can obtain travel advice via the website 9292 reist met je mee. You can also download a handy travel app on your mobile phone. For example, the app of 9292 or Arriva or NS or OVinfo. Would you like personalised travel advice? If so, call Arriva’s Customer Service. You can reach Arriva by calling 0800-0232545 on Monday to Sunday from 7 am to 11 pm.

Do you need help getting on and off the train?

For example, because of a physical disability or visual impairment. If so, you can use Travel Assistance free of charge.

  • You can request this from Arriva by calling 0800-0232545.
  • You can request this from NS by calling 030-2357822 or visiting the NS website.

Companion on public transport

Are you unable to use public transport (OV) without personal assistance due to a disability? If so, you may be eligible for the national OV Companion Card.


With the OV-Companion Card, you can take a personal companion on the train, bus, tram and metro throughout the Netherlands for free. You will find more information on the website of Argonaut.

When am I eligible for the OV-Companion Card?

You may be eligible for the OV-Begeleiderskaart if you are over 12 years old and:

  • Have a walking disability for a long period of time, which prevents you from walking a distance of more than 100 metres on your own with walking aids.
  • You reside in an institution or shelter for disabled people (with 24-hour care) for more than a year.
  • You suffers from epilepsy, with more frequent seizures than once a day.
  • You are blind or partially sighted and with the use of visual aids have a visual acuity of less than 30% or a visual field of less than 30 degrees.
  • You have a mental disability that is so severe that it prevents you from travelling by public transport alone.
  • You have a mental illness that is so severe that it prevents you from travelling by public transport alone.

Transport by volunteers

There are several options for transport provided by volunteers. For example, there are volunteers who help with transport for a sports or neighbourhood club, or faith community. The City of Leeuwarden also provides other options. These are listed below. Would you like to become a volunteer? If so, please contact the organisation for this purpose.

District car Westeinde

Do you live in the Westeinde area? If so, you can use the district car. For example, if you want to go shopping, go to the hairdresser’s or go to the train station. Receiving a visit? If so, you can also book a trip in the district car for your visitor. The district car drives within the built-up area of Leeuwarden from and to Westeinde. The district car has replaced the city bus that no longer runs. You will find more information on the website of Wijksbelang Westeinde.

  • When: The district car is available from Monday to Friday, between 8:30 am and 5.30 pm.
  • Reservations: You can book a reservation by calling 06-19404920. This number can be reached from Monday to Friday, between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm.
  • Charges: Adults pay €1.50 per person per trio (one way). Children aged 4 to 11 pay €1.00 per person per trip (one way). Children under 4 years of age travel free of charge. Payment can only be made by debit card.

Grou Mobyl

Do you live in Grou? If so, you may be able to use the Grou Mobyl. The Grou Mobyl is for Grou residents with physical disabilities who do not have their own transport. With the Grou Mobyl, you can go to the hairdresser, visit a friend, to the church, the terrace, pedicure or do shopping in Grou, for example. More information can be found on the uvv-grou website.

  • When: The Grou Mobyl is available every day between 9 am and 6 pm.
  • Reservations: You can book a reservation by calling 06-2060 3741. This number can be reached from Monday to Friday, between 9 am and 12.30 pm and between 1.30 pm and 5 pm. And on Saturdays and Sundays between 9 am and 11.30 am.
  • Charges: You pay €1.00 per person per trip (one way). You pay with a travel card. It is sold at supermarket Jumbo and pet shop Jan & Japke in Grou.

Max Mobiel Leeuwarden

Do you not have your own transport? Use the Max Mobiel! For example, to go to the hairdresser, your GP, the supermarket at the hospital, but also to a local activity. Do you use a collapsible walking aid? You can still join in! The Max Mobiel is an electric car for 2 people. The Max Mobiel runs only in the city of Leeuwarden, not in the villages. There are two Max Mobiel cars in Leeuwarden, one from Amaryllis and one from Noorderbreedte. You will find more information on the SamenLeeuwarden website.

  • When: The district car is available from Monday to Thursday, between 9:00 am and 5 pm.
  • Reservations: You can book a reservation by calling 06-2212 6969. This number can be reached from Monday to Thursday, between 9.30 am and 12.00 pm. Apply for your trip at least one day in advance.
  • Charges: You pay €1.00 per person per trip (one way). Payment can only be made in cash.

Other possible solutions

You will find more information the Wmo page. For example, information on:

Do you have any other questions?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.