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A joint plan for Lieuwenburgzoom neighbourhood park

Information about the renewal of the skate track in the Camminghaburen neighbourhood park (Lieuwenburgzoom).

Redevelopment of Haven Reduzum

The Harbour in Reduzum is being redeveloped.

Redevelopment of Goudenregenstraat

Goudenregenstraat is being redeveloped with improvements in road safety, liveability and more greenery.

New residential construction in Jorwert

Information about plans for new residential construction in Jorwert.

New high voltage station TenneT

Information about the new high-voltage substation to be built by TenneT and Liander.

New Integraal Kind Centrum (IKC) site in Lekkum

Information about a new school building at a new location Integraal Kind Centrum in Lekkum.

Newbuild plan ‘Oer de Barten 2’ in Warten

Information on new homes being built in Warten by Zwanenburg Projecten B.V. on land on the west side of Warten.


Huizumerlaan is being redesigned to improve convenience for cyclists.

Wergeasterdyk Goutum

Adjustments to road Wergaesterdyk.

Makeover for Westersingel and Pier Panderstraat

Westersingel and Pier Panderstraat are being renovated. This is necessary because the asphalt of the road is deteriorating.

Development framework Sint Vitusplein Stiens

Information about St Vitusplein and the surrounding area.

Advice and support for entrepreneurs

There will be additional support and advice for city centre entrepreneurs.

Greening of the UG Campus

Greening Willemskade at the RUG Campus Fryslân.

Redevelopment of the Ruiterskwartier

Redevelopment of the Ruiterskwartier.

The Nieuwestad is Renewing

Renewal of the Nieuwestad.

Skills in Leeuwarden

Development of building Jacob Catsplein 3 in Leeuwarden for (sheltered) living and support for 48 young adults aged 16 to 27 years.

City Centre Programme

The City Executive approved the City Centre Programme on 24 January 2024. The city centre will an even better place to live, meet and do business.

De Zuidlanden

De Zuidlanden is a new urban district that resembles a group of Frisian villages and offers a rural atmosphere in a new district of Leeuwarden.


Middelsee is Leeuwarden’s new district, directly south of the Van Harinxmakanaal canal.

Prinsentuin Project

How do we ensure that the Prinsentuin remains a pleasant place for all visitors?

We work on projects

We maintain cycle paths, roads, bridges and all green space in our district.

Revision part of De Groene Ster zoning plan

Review of De Groene Ster environmental plan, Leeuwarden.

City Centre Agenda

We Work Towards an attractive and accessible city centre.


There are various housing initiatives around Bonifatiusplein in the Amelandskwartier.

Area development WTC and new Cambuur stadium

Construction of a new football stadium for Cambuur.


We have plans to make Leeuwarden-Oost more liveable. Everyone should be able to live there comfortably, with a good education and income, and in good health.

Steenslân II Stiens

The Municipality of Leeuwarderadeel had already planned to develop a new residential area: Steenslân. Because of the housing demand earlier - which was much lower - Steenslân 1 was developed first.

Boundless Spoordok

Spoordok literally and figuratively shows what Leeuwarden has to offer.

Low-traffic city centre project

Information on making the northwest part of the city centre a low-traffic zone

Spatial plans (viewing and commenting)

View spatial plans digitally or comment on spatial plans in process.
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