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VHF channels

  • Van Harinxmabrug: channel 18.
  • Railway bridge HRMK: channel 20.
  • Railway bridge HRM; channel 22.
  • Greunsbrug: channel 20.
  • Bridges in Leeuwarden’s inner city: VHF channel 78. The bridges are: Verlaatbrug, Hermesbrug, Vrouwenpoortbrug, Noorderbrug, Eebrug, 2e Kanaalsbrug.
  • Slauerhoffbrug (control centre Swettehûs): VHF channel 80

Other bridges in Leeuwarden, Warga and Wartena do not have a VHF channel.


No bridge fees are payable during the normal opening times.

Bridge opening outside of the normal opening times

This is charged at € 60 per hour. Not including VAT.