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An outdoor event: permit or notification?

Rules for a notification

You submit a notification if your event meets the following conditions:

  • The event is on weekdays between 7 am and 11 pm.
  • The event is on Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday between 7 am and midnight.
  • The event will last a maximum of 1 day. That includes the assembly and dismantling work.
  • You do not close roads intended for ongoing traffic. For example, the event is in a cul-de-sac, a courtyard or in a car park.
  • You leave enough space for emergency services.
  • Barriers comply with standard RAW Provisions 2015. You will find more information about this on the website of the CROW.
  • Your event is not part of a larger event.
  • A maximum of 300 visitors will attend.
  • There is no contest in which people and/or animals could be injured.
  • You do not place any obstacles on the road.
  • You do not sell any alcohol.
  • You do not need local authority or emergency services.
  • Your event is not on the same day and location as an event listed in the Events Calendar. Or close to an event listed in the Events Calendar. 

Rules for an event permit

Does your event not meet the requirements for a notification? Then you need an event permit.

In these situations, you will always need an event permit:

  • The participants or organisers stay overnight at the event.
  • You are organising a parade with motorised traffic, e.g. cars, tractors, motorbikes or mopeds.
  • You are organising a martial arts event.

Permit for Natura 2000 activity

You may need a permit from the Environmental Act if you are close to or in a Natura 2000 area. You will find more information on the page Events and nature conservation.

An indoor event: permit or notification?

Rules for a notification

You submit a notification if your event meets the following conditions:

  • The event is in a building where no events are allowed.
  • Between 50 and 300 visitors will arrive within 24 hours. 

Rules for an event permit

Does your event not meet the requirements for a notification? Then you need an event permit.

In these situations, you will always need an event permit:

  • The event is in a building where events are allowed. This could be a theatre performance or theatre. And 2000 visitors arrive at the same time.
  • The event is in a building where no events are allowed. And more than 300 visitors/participants arrive.

Events desk

Do you have questions about your permit application or need guidance with your application? Contact the events desk at vergunningen@leeuwarden.nl.

Fire-safe building notification

In some cases you will need to pass on a ‘Notification of fire-safe use and basic emergency assistance other places notification’. For example:

  • use a building where more than 50 people can be present at the same time.
  • spend the night in a building where no one usually spends the night.

Submit an online Notification of fire-safe use and basic emergency assistance other places notification.

Voluntary workers insurance

For voluntary organisations, it is important that volunteers are properly insured. This prevents problems if a volunteer causes damage.


The City of Leeuwarden has taken out the VNG volunteer insurance via Centraal beheer Achmea. The package has ample coverage for volunteers and ‘secondary effect’. This means that if there is any damage, the volunteer must first find out if any pre-existing insurance can provide cover.

Useful (sample) documents to accompany your application

Do you need an extra exemption or permit?

In the following situations, you will need an additional exemption permit:

You sell alcohol

In that case, you need an exemption from section 35 of the Alcohol Act. You will find more information about this on the page Temporary exemption for serving alcohol.

An event in a place where this is not allowed

Then you may need a permit for an Environmental Plan activity. You can view the environmental plan on the Rules on the map website. You can submit an application for an environment permit on the Environment Desk website.

Events on a provincial road

You will need an exemption from the road by-laws. You can apply for this exemption via the website of the Province of Friesland 

Events on provincial waterways

In that case you will need an exemption from the Waterways Ordinance. You can apply for this exemption via the website of the Province of Friesland 

Visitor parking outside the event area

You will need a parking exemption. You will find more information on the page Parking for companies. Keep in mind that Leeuwarden City Centre is a low traffic area.


The charge depends on the type of event. We calculate the costs according to the Rates table General Levy Regulations.

Free permit applications

  • No charge is made for street parties, neighbourhood parties or village parties. You will however have to meet the following requirements:
    • The neighbourhood association, neighbourhood panel or village association organises the party.
    • The permit for a street party must be applied for by a resident. But on behalf of the other residents of that street.
    • Parties are not attended by local services or emergency services.
    • The organisers expect fewer than 1,000 visitors per day.
    • The party lasts no more than 4 days.
  • No charge is made for organising children’s activities during a school holiday.
  • No charge is made for tributes to VIPs outside their own place of residence or commemorations.

Municipal levy on encroachments

If the conditions cannot be met, a precariobelasting (municipal levy on encroachments) is payable using municipal land.

More information about events

You will find more information on the page Events. For example, about:

  • Location profiles.
  • The Events Calendar.
  • The use of traffic controllers.
  • Access to events.
  • Nuisance caused by events.

Laws and regulations

The following laws can be found on the website Overheid.nl (national):

  • General Administrative Law Act
  • Decree on fire-safe use and basic emergency assistance other places
  • Environment and Planning Act

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • General Municipal Ordinance Leeuwarden
  • Policy rule for open air events
  • Noise Policy Rule 2022 Open Air Events
  • Decision framework for requests for placement on the Events Calendar
  • Fees Ordinance Leeuwarden
  • Leeuwarden sufferance tax ordinance
  • Single Use Plastic legislation EU