Quick to:


  • The grant is for initiatives by residents or residents’ groups.
  • Your initiative must be designed to improve liveability. It must also ensure that more people can participate in society.
  • Your initiative should be aligned to what is going on in your area. All people around you should support this initiative.
  • The people who submit the plan will participate in the development and implementation of the initiative.

Assessing your application

Applications are assessed by the ‘Table of Eight’. This is an independent group and consists of 4 residents and 4 professionals from civil society organisations. They advise the mayor and aldermen. The ‘Table of Eight’ will let you know why you may or may not be eligible for a grant for your initiative.

Total subsidy amount

€300,000 can be used per year. The maximum grant per application is €20,000.

Applications are turned down if

  • They do not meet the conditions set out above.
  • The initiative is a usual task of the municipality, or if a subsidy is already given to an initiative that is similar to your initiative.
  • You do not contribute to the initiative yourself.
  • You will benefit financially. For example, private or entrepreneurial profit.
  • The initiative can only be developed with 100% government grant.
  • The application is aimed at a contribution for exploitation.
  • The initiative does not take into account future maintenance or maintenance costs.
  • The initiative lasts longer than 1 year.
  • The initiative, in whole or in part, returns more than once every 4 years.
  • The initiative is not allowed based on municipal policy.
  • The initiative does not meet the conditions described in the ASV 2018, article 13.

Do you have any questions?

Contact the City of Leeuwarden.

Are you unwilling or unable to apply online?

Download and complete the form Mienskipfonds Leeuwarden. Send the form to the City of Leeuwarden. You can also hand it in at the Town Hall.

Laws and regulations

The following regulations can be found on the website Overheid.nl (local):

  • Mienskipsfonds grant scheme 2024
  • General Subsidy Ordinance Leeuwarden 2018